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Predischarge Counseling in Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

In a modification to the bankruptcy procedure mandated by Congress in 2005, the requirement of pre-discharge credit counseling was added. This added an extra layer of complexity to the bankruptcy process, but provides the court with a measure of confidence that the debtor who is discharging their debt has had the opportunity and education to amend their borrowing and spending habits in order to hopefully prevent a return trip to the bankruptcy court.

At the Russell Van Beustring P.C., we are committed to helping our clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy system in order to address their financial problems and emerge from debt. To learn more about your legal options for debt relief and the predischarge counseling requirement, call our experienced Houston bankruptcy attorneys today at 713-973-6650.

Exemptions to Predischarge Counseling

In most cases, a debtor who is receiving a bankruptcy discharge must complete a personal financial management course from an approved provider in order to complete the bankruptcy process, but there are a few key exceptions to this requirement. You will not be required to undergo predischarge counseling if any of the following circumstances exist:

  • You are on active military duty
  • You suffer from a disability which prevents you from taking the course
  • There are no courses available in your area in a language you understand
  • Your district does not offer any approved courses

Barring any of these unusual exceptions, you will be required to complete the training before you are permitted to receive your discharge.

Contact Us

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy or have question about the process after you have already begun, an experienced Houston bankruptcy lawyer at the Russell Van Beustring P.C., can guide and advise you through every aspect of the process. For a free consultation to discuss the details of your case, call us today at 713-973-6650.

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